Oct 28, 2022

November Instructional Tech Updates

When I get asked how my year is going, I generally say "Supercharged."  It's a great way to say it's going really fast and just when I think I get caught up, something else comes up to throw a wrench into things.   I am excited to get you the November Instructional Tech Updates.  There is a lot in there, so enjoy!  Happy PAY DAY Friday!  Enjoy the Weekend! 

Carve a Digital Pumpkin

In the blog Chromebook Classroom, by John R. Sowash, I came across this blog post about how to Carve a Digital Pumpkin using Google Slides.  While I was looking through it, I thought what a great way to teach some of the features that sometimes get overlooked while having a fun time designing and being creative.  Take a look.  There is a lesson Template and some additional ideas. 

Oct 25, 2022

Google Classroom Originality Reports

Google Classroom originality reports is an in-house plagiarism checker for students which has been around since January 2020. Since Unit 5 is a Google for Education Enterprise District, we have originality reports as an unlimited option for students to run before they turn in their papers, but teachers can also run it for student-to-student plagiarism on turned-in material.

Teachers must turn it on for any assignment they would like the student to run the originality report. Take a look at this video to learn more. 

Halloween Escape Room

Using the idea from Ditch That Text Book and their Escape Room already created, I created a slide deck to go along with it. Use how it is, or make a copy to make your own changes to it, up to you.

Once the students finish it, they will get a link to a digital badge they can download! 

Here are a couple of items I found with the Halloween theme for teachers:  

Trick or Treat Techie Tips & Tricks & Tech Tricks and Treats  

Oct 19, 2022

Media Literacy Activity


As I was online last night I came across a Media Literacy activity from Anita Bond.  There is a Slide Deck you can make a copy of and edit as needed and an activity to go along with it.  

With both of these resources, they are yours to use/not use.  I found them interesting as we are coming up on an election which will have profound effect for our district either way it goes.  Plus, with the State of Illinois requirement on teaching Media Literacy starting this year, this would be a great exercise in determining creditable resources.  Use/don't use, it is up to you.  I didn't make it, but thought it was good stuff.  

Here you go - Slide Deck  and Activity
If you are interested in more activities..  Here is the link to her FREE Resources!  Enjoy! 

Oct 11, 2022

Instructional Tech Updates - October

When I get asked "How the school year is going?", my standard answer this year is "It's supercharged."  I feel like it is going really fast and there are so many new changes happening that it has been hard to keep up at times.  It is then, I realize I need a break.  To say I was very excited about spending three days away this past weekend is an understatement.  I hope October brings some relief of the supercharged year you have been experiencing. 

Take a look at the October Instructional Tech Updates.  Here is to the October slow down.  Hope you enjoyed your 3 day weekend.