Well February has been quite nice. The sun finally decided to show itself and when the sun is shining regardless of how cold it is, my mood changes for the better. I am looking forward to longer days and more sunshine and maybe even thinking about spring break.
February is Black History Month and each week I will be linking out many resources for you to take a look at and see if and how they could be integrated into your curriculum.
In this issue of the U5 Instructional Technology Tips
- Vocab Game for a Cause, called Free Rice.
- AI Tool Goblin - Link to a blog post and video. This is one you can use without logging in. Check it out!
- 10 Black Scientists that Science Teachers should know about. PBS Resource
- Tax Season is coming up and do your students know how to do their taxes? This is a great resource which walks them through the process. Everfi is FREE for Teachers to use and yes it is SOPPA approved!
- How James Brown Invented Funk - I thought this was a fun article with a video.
- LASTLY Our own April Schermann was interviewed on the ROE17 Podcast. She talked about STEM and The Growth Mindset. Take a listen, it was only 15minutes long!
Hope you find something you can use this week. Enjoy that sunshine, it will be in the 50's the rest of the week!