May 24, 2013

An Easy Way to Email Students: Finally!

Teachers have email through Outlook.  Students have email through Google.  If a teacher knows a student's email address (their they can email that student from Outlook and it will show up in their Gmail account.


Having all of your student's SIS numbers on hand to make this form of communication quick and easy.


Using the "Contacts" screen in your Google account you can search for students, set up contact groups by class period (or any form of grouping you would like), and email your students will a single click of a button!

How to do it:

Follow the steps outlined in this helpsheet!

May 22, 2013

NGSS Have Arrived in Mastery Manager

As per the announcements area on the front page of Mastery Manager, the new Next Generation Science Standards are now available and ready to be attached to assessments to view student growth over time.  The announcement page is re-posted below.


Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Next Generation Science Standards are now available in Mastery Manager for the user whose state adopts these standards!

The first sections of the final version of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) were released on April 9, 2013. The new science standards reflect a twenty-six state-led initiative funded by the Carnegie Corporation, coordinated by Achieve, and supported by leading science organizations, such as NSTA.

As currently presented, the NGSS consists of the following existing and planned sections:

  • Performance Expectations

  • Scientific and Engineering Practices

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)

  • Cross-Cutting Concepts

  • Common Core Connections

The sections already released can now be viewed in Mastery Manager for the user whose state adopts these standards. The user can check out NGSS via the Standards menu of an assessment and align those standards to applicable assessment questions.

NGSS in Mastery Manager

In the near future when more sections of NGSS are released, Mastery Manager will continue to add or update those for the user.

May 10, 2013

Summer Training Announcement

We are happy to announce the summer training schedule for Unit 5 staff!

When:  August (5th - 8th)

Time:  8:00-12:30 with a :30 minute break in the middle.

Where:  PJHS

We encourage teachers to sign up in groups (teams, grade levels, content areas, etc...).  You will have plenty of opportunities to collaborate with your peers, and some of the best work comes out of these sessions!