Jan 29, 2013

Printing Directly to Google Drive

Have you or your students ever been on a web-page and wanted to have its contents be transferred to a PDF inside of your Google Drive?  Well now you can with the Google Drive Printing function that is now available through Google Chrome.  Here's how to do it... (kudos to Mr. Suess for bringing this to our attention).

This example will outline how to take a Google Map that you have found and put it into your Google Drive.  The same steps can be employed any place on the web by pressing Ctl+P.

  1.  Go to the map that is desired and click on the printer button.  Again, Ctl+P can be used from any website.

  2. You will get a screen like below.  You can add notes to the map up above. When finished, hit “Print”.

  3. This next screen is where you can hit “change” and be presented with a Google Drive option at the bottom.  You will have to sign into your account to access it.

  4.  Finally, after you hit “save”, the file will show up in your Google Drive as a PDF called “Google Maps”.

  5. Below is what the file looked like. The notes would have been at the top.


As always, please contact your building or district instructional technology coaches for more assistance.

Jan 22, 2013

Mastery Manager Update: Change to "Online" Menu

Teacher to View Online Codes

Teachers can now activate and set the start time for the online assessment assigned to them. Previously only the assessment owner or the administrator user could activate the online codes for all the courses assigned to the online assessment. Mastery Manager has added new permissions on the Online menu page of an assessment. The assessment owner or the administrator user can grant the teacher permissions to activate and set the start time of the assessment they did not create.To grant permissions for an online test (by assessment owner or the administrator):

  1. Click the Assessments tab and locate the assessment to be administered online.

  2. Click the Online menu for the assessment. Set desired options to configure the online testing.

  3. Grant permissions under the Permissions section.

    • Check "Allow teachers to activate their own assessments " so the teacher who did not create the assessment can view and activate online codes for their own courses.

    • Check "Allow teachers to set the start time range for their own assessments" so the teacher who did not create the assessment can view and customize the start time for their own courses.Permissions for Online Test

  4. Click the Save button.

To activate the teacher's online code and/or set customized start time for the online test:

  1. Click the Assessments tab and locate the desired assessment.

  2. Click the View button.

  3. Click the Online menu.

  4. Check Activate for the desired course(s).

  5. Enter desired start time for the assessment.Activate Online Code

  6. Click the Save button.

For detailed instructions on how to create an answer key-only, ACT practice or item bank assessment to be administered online, visit Mastery Manager help menu.

Jan 15, 2013

Mastery Manager Updates

Two new features have been added to Mastery Manager that may have a direct impact on making your life easier!

  1. "Select All" when adding questions to and assessment from and item bank

  2. Request your username and password from Mastery Manager


Layout: Select All Questions/Number of Questions

While selecting questions to be added to an item bank assessment, the user can now click the Select all link to check at once all the questions from the current page  to be added. The user can also control the number of questions to be displayed for selection per page. These two new features will allow the user to more easily and quickly select and add questions to an item bank assessment.
Choose Questions: New Feature



Request Username/Password to Mastery Manager

Have you ever forgotten your username or password to log into Mastery Manager? Mastery Manager now has a way to allow you to request your username or reset password without going through your Mastery Manager administrator. Make sure your email address is entered through the home page and you will be able to request the username or password reset be sent to your email address on file.
Make sure your email address is entered on the home page. Check Subscribe and click the Update button.
Enter email address on home page
Click Forgot your username/password? on the login page to request your username or password.
Forgot your username/password?


Jan 10, 2013

Google Image Search

To find the perfect image you are looking for using Google Image Search, click on the Search Tools button at the top of the search results page. The Search Tools will guide you to find an exact size image, color or type of photo or drawing. Filter your image search to include only photos with faces, clip art, high-resolution images etc. Click on the drop down menus to select the filtering options: All Results or By Subject, Any size, Any color, Any type.  For example, when you search for the Statue of Liberty you can look at the images sorted  by subject, your search will be sorted by the Statue of Liberty's face, head, close up, black and white, and so on. Click on the image to explore.
Sharpen your search skills and learn more here: Google's Power Searching Quick Reference guide.

Jan 9, 2013

Research in Google Presentations

I am happy to announce that the powerful Research function found in Google Docs is now available in Google Presentation.  This feature allows you to do research about a topic and create your presentation all within the same screen.

  • When using the Chrome web browser, students can click and drag images directly out of the research pane onto their Presentation!

  • Kids can search all of Google, images, dictionary, quotes, and more.

  • Kids can preview websites without leaving the presentation to see if the sites have the information that they need.

[caption id="attachment_773" align="alignleft" width="300"]Presentation Research Research in Presentation[/caption]











More information can be found in our help sheet on the Research Function.  And as always, if you would like to incorporate this technology into your lessons, consider contacting your building or district instructional technology coach for assistance!