Jan 29, 2013

Printing Directly to Google Drive

Have you or your students ever been on a web-page and wanted to have its contents be transferred to a PDF inside of your Google Drive?  Well now you can with the Google Drive Printing function that is now available through Google Chrome.  Here's how to do it... (kudos to Mr. Suess for bringing this to our attention).

This example will outline how to take a Google Map that you have found and put it into your Google Drive.  The same steps can be employed any place on the web by pressing Ctl+P.

  1.  Go to the map that is desired and click on the printer button.  Again, Ctl+P can be used from any website.

  2. You will get a screen like below.  You can add notes to the map up above. When finished, hit “Print”.

  3. This next screen is where you can hit “change” and be presented with a Google Drive option at the bottom.  You will have to sign into your account to access it.

  4.  Finally, after you hit “save”, the file will show up in your Google Drive as a PDF called “Google Maps”.

  5. Below is what the file looked like. The notes would have been at the top.


As always, please contact your building or district instructional technology coaches for more assistance.